Zebra Wax ribbons

category: Ribbons

Wax ribbons are intended for printing on standard paper labels (Chrome and Vellum).

Zebra 2100 Standard Wax

A resin-enhanced Zebra 2100 Wax ribbon is characterized by excellent print quality on paper labels. The specialty of this ribbon is superb small-font and graphics printability on the smaller-sized paper labels, regardless of the type of paper material.

Zebra 2300 Standard Wax

Zebra 2300 Wax ribbon is designed for high-quality printing of vertical or horizontal barcodes on paper labels, with print speeds of up to 250 mm per second. Printing requires a little heat, which positively affects the life of the thermal print head. We recommend printing on Zebra desktop and industrial printers.

detalied specifications

Zebra 2100 Standard Wax

Ribon Zebra 2100 Wax s dodatkom smole omogućuje visokokvalitetan ispis papirnatih naljepnica. Posebnost ovog ribona je vrlo fin ispis sitnih fontova i grafike na manjim dimenzijama papirnatih etiketa, neovisno o vrsti papirnatog materijala.

Zebra 2300 Standard Wax

Ribon Zebra 2300 Wax namijenjen je ispisu visokokvalitetnih, uspravnih ili položenih crtičnih kôdova na papirnate etikete, uz brzinu ispisa do 250 mm u sekundi. Za ispis je potrebno malo topline, što pozitivno utječe na vijek trajanja termo glave printera. Preporučujemo ispis na Zebrinim stolnim i industrijskim printerima.

category: Ribbons